I am using a chinese build RF LNA model RF AMP 03A 0.1MHz - 60 MHz, despite this description, it works up to 150 MHz @11dB declared gain. As written elsewhere is powered with a battery pack of 3A, when this is exhausted the recharging to full takes various hours.
The Nooelec LANA is powered with 5V DC with a miniusb which I connect to the USB charger of the laptop external screen.
I got the Nooelec today, paid 43 Euros on Amazon, the performances between the two are quite similar, both LNA are good in terms of noise, could be the Nooelec is slightly less noisy and shows some better SNR...but it's a matter of peanuts.
The disadvantage of the Nooelec is that swutching it off the signal doesn't pass aymore, while the chinese LNA lets the signal passing through without amplificaton, which is a quite comfortable feature, listening with amplification is not always better than without.
Willing to suggest one or the other, I could not figure out what to say. Surely the Chinese is less expansive.